Engelska / English

Fishing rules Hubo-Långsjön

People who fish in the hubo-långsjön are obliged to read the rules.

Fishing license.

The fishing license for Hubo-Långsjön must be signed by the person who is fishing. A Signed fishing license implies that the  person who is fishing have read and understands the rules.

Fishing licenses are personal, identity of the fisherman must be confirmed with a valid ID. One fishing license are valid for 1 rod and max three 3 fishes per licenses. If you wish to use more rods or catch more fish, more licenses can be bought. No more than 3 licenses for a 12 hour period and person are permitted.

As of May 14, 2017, you can buy a maximum of 3 fishing licenses per 12-hour period starting from the beginning of the fishing. If 1 person buys more than 3 licenses during this 12-hour period, these licenses are counted as invalid and the person caught will have to pay a control fee for fishing with too many rods.

Children up to 12 years fish on guardian’s license with one rod/child.

This applies, provided they fish themselves, throws out and weave themselves, any catch counting on the guardian’s license,. If we find people where it is obvious that the child cant fish with the equipment that the guardian claims is the child’s, we will write a control fee to the guardian at 2000.- per rod for fishing with too many rods.

12 hour license.

The 12 hour license  are personal, filled in with the date and time at the start of the fishing, for name & family name, city and telephone number. The card is valid for 12 hours.

Pre-sale,  private individuals. 10 license’s 12 hour card.

Is personal, may not be transferred, filled in as above. See the website for more information.

Pre-sale, companies. 25  license’s 12 hour card.

Targeted against companies, associations or groups, to be distribute among their employees or others. See the website for more information.

Fishing in community with regard to each other.

§25 "- Fishing takes place in community but one is entitled to require 5m freely in each direction from the rod. The first one in place is entitled to the place. If more people fish in the same area, throw straight out of the fishing spot. You can’t reserve places for people coming later. First on site is entitled to that location. If 1 person bought several, license’s HE HAVE TO USE ALL HIS RODS IN 1 AND SAME PLACE. 1 person may not buy 2 license’s and reserve 2 bridges.

Windshields belong to all with a valid fishing license.

The windshields are common and we mingle in them, no one is entitled to them even if one is there first. We ask groups with no valid fishing license to respect that the windshields are intended for those with a valid fishing license or staying at the lake with someone who has one.. Exceptions to this rule are when the Karl Hedin kojan (formerly the first windshield) is booked, in the calendar you will see when it is booked.

Catch and Release.

If anyone wants to release fish, these fish are still counted towards the quota of 3 fish for each valid license. this rule applies to catch and release of the species: char, trout and rainbow trout.

The use of groundbait/throwing out excess bait to lure fish into the fishing area is not allowed!

In order to prevent additional fertilization of the lake,  which also causes oxygen consumption.

Boat, float tube, canoe and such vessels are not allowed

That is, only fishing from land and with boots / waders standing on the bottom is allowed.

Control fees in case of violation of rules.

The use of groundbait/throwing out excess bait: 1000 sek and revoke fishing license.

Damage of the area, control fee / cleaning fee: 1000 sek Alternate police notification.

Bad, sloppy or unfulfilled fishing license where essential data are missing 1000 sek.

Unpaid fee (forgot to pay but written card) 1000 sek alternatively illegal fishing.

Fishing after the maximum number of fish caught 2000 sek and 2000 sek per extra fish

Fishing with too many rods 2000 sek per extra rod

Fishing from unauthorized fishing spot 1000 sek (Other than fly fishing from Laxön )

Fishing from boat, float tube, canoe or other craft 4400 sek

Damage at least 1,000 sek and possible damages.

Illegal fishing  ( no license’s  ).

Confiscation of all equipment used at the time, as well as police notification and prosecution.

Damage and other offenses.

withdrawn fishing license, claims for damages suspension and, if necessary, prosecution.

We reserve the right to revoke the fishing licenses and suspend persons from fishing in the lake who do not comply with our rules, strongly interfere with other fishermen or otherwise behave improperly.

Examples of this.

Plays loud music.

Shouting,  screaming and disturbing other people around the lake.

Sitting, sleeping in the car and fishing.

Park the car on the road.

Appears threatening to other fishermen.

Camping / parking of caravans in other than designated places.

Sleeping in car tent wind protection. (Is ok to rest for a while in the windshields without blankets pillows and similar). If you want to sleep, you must stop fishing and remove your rods from the water.

Please note that this is an example, It´s  we who determines the reasons for the retraction of fishing licenses. Persons who often violate these rules will be suspended from fishing in the lake.

These rules apply to everyone.

If you see something that does not work properly, please call / notify us in the board, keep in mind that it´s you honest fisherman who are affected by others' law and regulations violations.

Board of Hubo-långsjön

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